Aktualisierte Liste:
"crv:" = Info lt.
http://caravanistan.com/things-to-do/skiing/kazakhstan/-2- Елик-Сай, 4 SL / Nussknacker, teils Freeride, Flachland/Almaty-Pano
crv: "Elik-Sai is the powder heaven you have been dreaming about. Close to Almaty, this ski shack has 4 T-bar ski lifts made in Kyrgyzstan, but without too many manicured slopes. No crowds, some basic prepared runs for beginners, and going up, 45-degree tree runs, pillow lines, lots of untouched pow"
crv: "To make arrangements and find out if the lifts are working, try the following telephone numbers. Pavel: +7 777 586 45 58 Anatoly: +7 705 226 09 81 Dmitry: + 7 777 353 43 55 Ivan (ski instructor): +7 777 177 19 69, +7 707 177 19 69
crv: "Take the red road to go up, the blue road to go down. The last bit is 4WD only, and keep a snow shovel in the back. If you do not have a 4WD, park your car on the basketball court of Almatau and do the last 400m on foot."
By unofficial rule:
On the "Red" Asphalt Road - Lifting Transport - The climb is considered easier, less steep slope.
On the "Blue" dirt road - descends Transport - The road is a little more complicated, the slope is steeper.
2WD can be left on the "basketball court" and from there a little walk to the base, about 300 meters. Back to the car you can easily go down on skis / boards.
https://vk.com/mowgli_100http://skiforum.kz/showthread.php?t=90http://gabchenko.kz/uploads/lifestyle/ls_skir32.jpghttp://im7.asset.yvimg.kz/userimages/gb ... 2188zA.jpg"in den beiden 3. Sektionen Seillift kann nur jeweils 1 Person gleichzeitig fahren" ;-)
http://adrenalinicsilence.kz/ski-resorts/eliksai/-2-3- Ак Булак / Ak-bulak, 1650-2660m, 1 8EUB (2,5 km) + 2. Sektion Freeride-DSB (Leitner neu 1,5 km), Flachlandpano; 10-17h oder 9:30-17h, ?MO 12-
http://ak-bulak.kz/wp-content/uploads/2 ... ustom2.jpghttp://almaakbulak.kz/ru/wp-content/upl ... 06/421.jpghttp://ak-bulak.kz/wp-content/uploads/2 ... 3143_1.jpghttp://ak-bulak.kz/wp-content/uploads/2 ... k-15_1.jpghttp://adrenalinicsilence.kz/ski-resort ... -ak-bulak/-3- Шымбулак / Shymbulak / Чимбулак / Chimbulak , 2360-3200, (+1 8EUB Zubringer), 2 EUB/KSB-Kombi, 1 4SB, 1 Tal-SL, Vorder/Rückseite, Nachtski mit Blick auf Almaty, 9:30-18 (10-16)h
http://www.shymbulak.com/map/http://www.shymbulak.com/upload/iblock/ ... 5c7023.jpghttp://www.shymbulak.com/upload/iblock/ ... 985dd3.jpghttp://www.shymbulak.com/upload/iblock/ ... 08ba0d.jpghttp://www.shymbulak.com/upload/iblock/ ... 26948c.jpg-3- Алтай / Altay / Алтайские Альпы, 2 Sektionen DSB (alte blaue Stützen, neue Sessel), 2 SL (evtl. nicht ganz verbunden, 1 Bügel-SL mit KSSL-Stützen, 1 alter Portalstützen-Kurzbügler)
http://alps.altay.kz/ski-slopes-data/im ... resize.jpghttp://alps.altay.kz/ski-slopes-data/im ... resize.jpghttp://alps.altay.kz/ski-slopes-data/im ... resize.jpghttp://alps.altay.kz/ski-slopes-data/im ... resize.jpghttp://test.altay.kz/wp-content/uploads ... 449930.jpghttp://test.altay.kz/wp-content/uploads ... f6f5d7.jpghttp://www.altay.kz/wp-content/uploads/ ... _sclon.jpghttp://www.altay.kz/wp-content/uploads/ ... _sklon.jpghttp://www.altay.kz/wp-content/uploads/ ... y-1187.jpg-4-5- Алматау (Pioneer), 1 SL (alt, ca. 1100m, 10-17h, flach, Camp), oberer Teil LSAP
http://adrenalinicsilence.kz/wp-content ... lmatau.jpghttp://adrenalinicsilence.kz/wp-content ... /bugel.jpghttp://adrenalinicsilence.kz/ski-resorts/almatau.html-4- Нуртау, 2 SL
http://free2ride.ru/static/upload/resor ... nurtau.jpg-4- Табаган, 1 DSB (Blaustützen) + 2 SL (flach)
crv: "The hotel is dirty and in need of renovation, the food is crap and the service is terrible."
http://ilovealmaty.kz/wp-content/upload ... ae2ca8.jpghttp://www.voxpopuli.kz/userfiles/posts ... 53_big.jpghttp://www.tabagan.kz/-4?- Турбаза Е / Turbaza-E, 1 SL, Flachland/Alamty-Pano
crv: "To get there, you might be able to catch a ride with the lift operator. Driving yourself, make sure you have a decent 4WD and a shovel in the back. "
http://turbazae.kz/kanatka/http://turbazae.kz/files/images/cwecms3 ... natka4.jpg-4?- Тау Туран / Tau Turan, SSL 400m, eher leicht, kaum Piste, etwas Wald-Ski
https://turanski.nethouse.ru/http://gabchenko.kz/uploads/lifestyle/ls_tt11.jpghttps://gabchenko.kz/uploads/lifestyle/ls_tt15.jpg-4- Ridder Stardust Alpine Ski Camp, alter SL
http://stardustcamp.ucoz.com/http://stardustcamp.ucoz.com/_ph/1/864175209.jpg(ebenfalls dort in der Gegend: Edelweiß + Ridderhütte (sogar mit Sommerskilanglauf ;) )
http://ridderhutte.kz/tur#.WeT2SqLChZ0https://skigu.ru/papers/slopes/bekkantr ... ninogorsk/https://skigu.ru/storage/slopes/ridder12.jpg-4-5- Текесу / Tekesu Tekeli, paar Seillifte, eher leicht?, not on map
http://www.tekesu.kz/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6a7YeddMdc-x- Кок-Жайлау / Кок-Жайляу (in Planung)
http://veters.kz/almatincam-pokazali-ka ... k-zhajlau/http://www.voxpopuli.kz/main/986-kok-zh ... e-byt.html+ noch ein paar weitere (übungs-) Gebiete
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