Am 19. Dezember verhält es sich heuer fast Südalpenmässig, daran möchte ich freilich teil haben und so bietet sich eine kleine Runde an. In den Südalpen spielen die Alten vom Dorf Petanque (Boules), die Jäger ballern ungehemmt in den Laubwäldern umeinand und die weite Welt dazwischen ist nahezu menschenleer und döst friedlich vor sich hin. So kamen mir die Winter im Hinterland von Nizza vor als ich noch dort lebte. Und so ist es heute hier in Tirol am Innsbrucker Patscherkofel, es bietet sich also eine kleine Runde Mountainbike an. Forststrasse hinauf, Single Trail hinab, etwa 850 Hoehenmeter ab Haustüre.Eine typische Krisu Aktion in Bild und Kommentar, ihr kennt das eh :biggrin:
(Ich bitte die Englische Sprache ab hier zu entschuldigen.)
^^ Heiligwasseranlagen (1130m). A few days ago temperatures fell below zero degrees Celsius, therefore almost all artificial snow making installations in Tyrol were running at their max. rated power. Consumption of electrical energy in Tyrol rose by 25%, nearly breaking the all time historical high as a regional power grid spokesman reported. But now it is warm again, so the piles of snow sweat a bit....
^^ Heiligwasseranlagen (1130m), I usually do not appreciate alcoholic kind of beverage stations that much, but this case is different. The owner of the tiny and cozy adjacent hut really deserves your visit!
Heiligwasseranlagen (1130m)
^^ Igler Alm (1470m)
^^ Crossing Olympic Descent (1976 Olympics) (at 1530m)
^^ Olympic slope (1976 Olympics) (at 1530m)
^^ Icy road (1600m). As sun rays heat up the hill sides more than horizontal surfaces, melting water runs onto the road and freezes there, resulting in a slippery ice layer
^^ Crossing another ski slope (1630m).
^^ View towards and into Stubai valley (from el.1630m). As Patscherkofel is exposed to southern winds, snow melts away rather quickly while shielded Stubaital has at least retained some of it.
Zoom (at 1630m) into Fulpmes/Schlick 2000 Skiarea.
^^ Crispy clean air. Feels good. Approaching Patscher Alm hut (at 1700m)
^^ Nobody was around today at Patscher Alm Hut (1743m), but the hut was open which I did not expect. Therefore I carried no money with me. Therefore no delicious Knödelsuppe unfortunately!
^^ Hm, the pile of gray gravel tells me that the owner of the hut might want to expand his terrace, step by step... lets see ... the hut has gotten easy skiers access a few years ago because of a new lift, therefore the logic of growth seems unavoidable ... but I am not sure...let's hope....
^^ I had an interesting conversation with the hut's dog. He was telling me about his playgrounds, which animals he is running behind without ever catching them, which birds are a thread and so on. A master of his universe.
^^ Clockwork orange Mechanical monster (at 1660m). Somehow they managed to get some snow here.
^^ 100% artificial snow (at 1660m). So dear guest, everything is here, please come and spend your good money here.
^^ Tributes to modernity (at 1660m)
^^ Tributes to modernity (at 1660m). Not one grain of snow is natural here.
^^ Public bicycle lanes (at 1400m) bring me back to Igls. Playful gardens.
I try my best not to leave traces in nature, avoiding not to slide with blocking wheels. This trace looks not nice.
^^ Public bicycle lanes (at 1400m) bring me back to Igls. Playful gardens.
^^ View towards Stubaital (at 1030m). The shiny road spans the Sill Valley on its "Europa bridge" on 170m high pylons.
^^No snow (at 1030m), no frost, no cold winds. Unleashed and flowing. People enjoy having a walk contemplating what is there. In the background the Nordkette ridge divides the Inn-valley with the city of Innsbruck in-between.
^^ View back to Patscherkofel (from el. 1030m). Peak is at 2250m.
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