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BeitragVerfasst: Fr, 17.02.2006, 9:45 

Registriert: Mo, 09.02.2004, 5:42
Beiträge: 6908
Wohnort: Hannover
South of the Bernina Group and north of Sondrio lies Valmalenco Valley. In its very nothern end on the huge south flank of Bernina, used to beo a small summer skiing area on the Scerscen Inderiore Glacier, that was reached by a dirt raod up to 2800m and then on foot. There wre a refuge (Tifugio Scerscen-Entova) and two skilifts. Simone Bassi, who is well known as ?Piemonte Funivie? on, went there in Summer 2005 to documentate the state of this site neraly ten years after its closure for good. He was a nice to translate his original italian text into english for this forum and provides several highly intersting photos of the structure.

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr, 17.02.2006, 10:00 

Registriert: Mo, 09.02.2004, 5:42
Beiträge: 6908
Wohnort: Hannover
The rifugio Entova-Scerscen is situated on foot of the glacier Scerscen Inferior south of the Bernina Group in Valmalenco. It was buildt around 1970 and was (or better is) property of the ski instructors and alpine guides of Valmalenco. It is situated at an altitude of 3000m and served as a base for the summer skiing on Scerscen Glacier. Arriving by car at Saint Joshep (San Giuseppe), one had to pass a barrier (of which I will speak below) and then drive still some kilometers to finally reach the parking at Pian dei Buoi (200 places for cars) at ca. 2800m, where started the material cableway.

Pian dei Buoi; up on the right there is the refuge and down on the left there are some buildings of shelter:

The road is today badly damaged by landslides, even when the summer skiing area was still open it was often victim to landslides, but with some work and good will of the staff, they managed it.

The road as it looks today:

Having arrived at Pian dei Buoi, skis and luggage were loaded on a material cablecar to carry them up to the refuge; skiers had to go up on a mountain trail for another 200 meters of height which took about 45 min.

The huge refuge is well positioned providing a great view:

The refuge is now disused for about ten years, in the last years it went economically bad?why go there having to drive up all this road and even climb up in the end when there is the summer skiing area at the nearly located Passo Stelvio? Judging from how the staff left it, one might think they fled from a war, because everything was left there (until last year some people went to clean up): the pantry was full (drinks and food, tomatoes etc.), there were tables and chairs, all the beds, all doors etc. Today there's still left a freezer, the kitchen, and some other things.
Walking up from Pian Dei Buoi, you can find some pieces, barrels of petroleum etc scattered near the path.

This is how the refuge looks today:

This is the side of the refuge facing the glacier:

Arrival of the material cable-car (on the background some of the towings of the skilift are visible):

And now the interieur of the refuge?

All bedrooms have wooden walls and a window:

Every bedrooms had an own bathroom and independent heating:

The long corridor:

The dining and living room:

The bar and the phone cabin on the floor:

If you want some towings?there are also the rope and a pylone (glacier pylone):

The way the refuge looks today (all broken) is a result of vandalism of the past years and people destroying all for fun.. I ask myself which kind of taste makes people doing so? Taking chairs and throwing them against the bar... cutting mattresses, tearing of the electrical switchboard, throwring the petroleum barrels on the path... Voices of country say that person to leave all open has been one.


The whole thing was well organized, but anyway they did not make all the counts.. how could they think they could compete with Stelvio this way? There no electrical supply up there, but only two large generators that worked half a day in order not to strain them too much. They had to supply all the shelter, the two skilifts and the autoclaves at Pian dei Buoi. The autoclaves, the generators are still there (one at the refuge and one close to the autoclaves), and in a garage at Pian dei Buoi there is still a Land Rover which cannot return to the valley. If there are people who wigh to sleep in the refuge or at Pian dei Buoi: you see, there's all you need...however it might be colder inside than outside...

The road barrier of which I spoke above is closed today and the key is hold by a woman that lives near there; she announced to me that the road was constructed by her son and now it is only used by the persons who work in the quarry some way up... if you want her to open the road you have to pay 10,- ?... but, as said before, it is in poor condition and you will probably meet cows. When it was opened the road lead also to Rifugio Longoni further down.

Today the tables, the chairs and the doors of the rooms lack because the manager of another refuge has taken it to buildt his shelter, after he went to clean up the Scerscen glacier. They had not given permission to take everything, nevertheless now there's not one single chair, table etc. I, obviously, went in this shelter and I have photographed chairs and tables (and they are made me to carry in the rooms).

I that I know nearly all the ski instructors of the Valmalenco, asked them if they'd sell the refuge to me and they said that they'd give me for free... I'd love to reopen it, but I guess that would cost much to much. Apart from the effort to rebuild it all, the glacier continues to move and on the stairs of the shelter several leaks have opened. This shelter meant always a lot to me and finally this summer I managed to get there together with my dad (but when I arrived, it was already too late, I would have liked to see it with its tables, the skilift etc.)

The refuge had two floors above, the ground level and a semi underground level; all in all there ware 136 places to sleep. There was a similar shelter ? Casati -, which is still open for hikers as there are more trails to do than from Scerscen, further on there is the Marinelli Refuge.

There were two skilifts: Scerscen 1 (built in 1978) and Scerscen 2 (built in 1982).

With all this, it was one of my favourite refuges... I still have a photo of me with my family at the refuge when it was still in use. Anyway, I don't have no more in my memory.

Bye bye.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: Fr, 17.02.2006, 10:06 

Registriert: Mo, 09.02.2004, 5:42
Beiträge: 6908
Wohnort: Hannover

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr, 17.02.2006, 18:01 

Registriert: Mo, 07.11.2005, 8:22
Beiträge: 2585
Chef, ganz klar: Wir müssen da hin und uns mit Leitner-Gehängen eindecken! :D


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BeitragVerfasst: Fr, 17.02.2006, 19:38 

Registriert: Mo, 09.02.2004, 5:42
Beiträge: 6908
Wohnort: Hannover
jo, ich denk mal da wär ich dabei... :)

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BeitragVerfasst: Sa, 18.02.2006, 17:15 

Registriert: Mo, 07.11.2005, 8:22
Beiträge: 2585
Okay, now that I've had the time to read the text, a little more serious:
Very, very interesting photos! I didn't know that there was a second ski lift - there's no indication on the maps. Where exactly was it? A parallel lift next to the one on the pictures, I suppose?


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BeitragVerfasst: Sa, 18.02.2006, 19:21 

Registriert: Mo, 09.02.2004, 5:42
Beiträge: 6908
Wohnort: Hannover
I guess rather not: as there's always just one lift on the old images and at least the last one dates from the late eighties, the second might be behind the photographer on that last image. Therefore more or less parallel but a little distant. That's at least what I guess... I remember darkly I once saw a map showing a lift combination like that, but I'm anything else than sure.

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BeitragVerfasst: Mo, 20.02.2006, 20:39 

Registriert: So, 18.12.2005, 19:12
Beiträge: 8031
Wohnort: Nicht mehr im Forum
Thanks for the pictures, they make my really cry...

The rifugio looks very comfortable!

And the glacier still looks very good - at least compared with Siedel/3A ....

I'd like to add the pictures I made from the road in summer 2005. I had the luck that the road barrier was open - but the road was too bad for my Ford Fusion...

BildDas erste Schild einer alten Zeit: Wegweiser zum Scerscen - SCI ESTIVO
BildAuf 1.567m beginnt die Schotterstraße ..
BildErste Abzweigung. Links bleiben!
BildNa schau: Ab hier wieder geteert!
BildFahrverbot + Offene Schranke heißt in Italien irgendwie: Man darf auf eigene Verantwortung :-)
BildZur Abwechslung mal wirklich schottrig ..
Bild.. und auch recht steil. Da muß man auch mal Anlauf nehmen ..
BildSteiler nasser Schotter ist nicht gut zu fahren ...

BildHier sieht man mal wirklich die Steilheit der Straße: Es geht nämlich rechts weiter ...
BildImmerhin: Ich bin auf dem richtigen Weg...
BildHier brauchte ich mal wieder Anlauf ... was bei dem unruhigen Steinen dort oben nicht sooo gut kommt
BildTja, und hier war leider Ende - über diesen Steinhaufen bin ich nicht weitergekommen. Räder drehten durch (Nass!), und mit Anlauf wollt ich über diese Steine nicht fahren ...
Bild.. was sich auch nicht gelohnt hätte: Hier ists nämlich noch schottriger und verdammt schmal. Definitiv no way für mich ...
BildHier nochmal aus etwas anderer Perspektive - ich hatte hier keine Chance zum Weiterkommen. Und mit Anlauf über diese Steine war mir dann doch etwas zu heavy..
Bild.. und da oben würde es noch viel viel schmaler... Motorradfahrer vor :-)
BildIst das nicht traurig? Grad mal auf 2.128m angelangt. Und die Straße ginge noch bis über 2.800m !!!
BildTja. Und dann hab ich beim Rückwärtsfahren meinen Fusion in den Graben gesetzt. Stress pur!
BildSüdseite des Piz Bernina (?)
BildIn 25 Minuten hatte ich mir einen Behelfsweg (rechts unten) zur Sicherung gebaut, konnte dann aber doch (nach Rädergradstellen) gradaus herausfahren *puuuh*
BildWieder Talwärts auf dieser grausigen Straße ... (hier ein Blick zurück auf das schlimme Stück kurz unterhalb der Stelle, an der ich umkehren mußte)

Hier klicken um alle Fotos in 640x480 anzuzeigen

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BeitragVerfasst: Di, 07.03.2006, 23:11 

Registriert: Di, 01.11.2005, 18:55
Beiträge: 1764
Wohnort: Niederösterreich
I just now had enough time to read all the story and see the pictures, thanks a lot for the report and the translation. So perhaps next summer I´ll try again to go there, as I was stopped by the gate last August.
I just fear, that the road will be worse every year and my car could be to broad, but we will see.

But when I think of the problems that made Scercen give up the lift and the rifugio, I really am very astonished, that at 3A they really are building a new lift. Perhaps Simone could try to find out, if it is finished allready.

Schweben im Powder - Die, die es erlebt haben, verstehen, den anderen kann man es nicht erklären!

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BeitragVerfasst: Do, 11.09.2008, 22:35 

Registriert: Do, 15.11.2007, 19:34
Beiträge: 1111
Wohnort: gmunden/österreich
during the last year i read this topic twenty times (i can read).

now i start reading for the nexty twenty times!

im "winter" auf atomic beta race & movement random
im "sommer" nur auf movement random & hagan chimera 3.1 & scott scale 29 sram xx1

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BeitragVerfasst: Mo, 25.10.2010, 22:16 

Registriert: Do, 15.11.2007, 19:34
Beiträge: 1111
Wohnort: gmunden/österreich
two years later:
still great!

im "winter" auf atomic beta race & movement random
im "sommer" nur auf movement random & hagan chimera 3.1 & scott scale 29 sram xx1

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BeitragVerfasst: Mo, 01.11.2010, 14:54 

Registriert: Fr, 01.09.2006, 14:47
Beiträge: 1949
Wohnort: Canazei / Karlsruhe
Now, as Starli, Krisu and probably a few more ski-archeologists have visited that site... :
Does anybody know the definitive last summer of operation of this ski-area?

the sands of time
were eroded by the river
of constant change

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BeitragVerfasst: Mo, 01.11.2010, 15:55 

Registriert: Mo, 09.02.2004, 5:42
Beiträge: 6908
Wohnort: Hannover
Krisu wrote "Anfang der 80er Jahre wurde es gebaut, in den 90ern war bereits wieder Schluss. " [Built in the 1980s, already during the 1990s the hotel was closed]

I remember having once heard / read 1998 or 1999 as the last year of operation, but as much as my memory can be bad, those numbers communicated by locals tend to show a certain variety. After all, a close-down during the 2nd half of the 1990s seems not entirely unlikely, as these few years witnessed the finals seasons of many summer skiing areas, due to either financial issues or climatic changes. This, however, is as vague as any other information, we already had... ;)

... the echo of a distant time ...

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BeitragVerfasst: Fr, 18.11.2011, 10:48 

Registriert: Di, 25.12.2007, 12:36
Beiträge: 3226
Wohnort: Basel
Der guten Ordnung halber hier noch eine AK vom Scerscen. Diese AK ist fast identisch mit der Aufnahme weiter oben, aber eben nur fast:


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