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=> Südgletscher am Mont Gelas: Aufstieg zum Rif. Federici, danach kam der Seillift. Wurde wohl nur für den Sommer aufgebaut.
Info-Nachschlag von Anfang 2017 zum Sommerskilift am Mont Gelas auf italienischer Seite: ... sci-estivoGoogle Maschinenübersetzung aus dem Italienischen ins Englische, i.d.R. viel besser zu verstehen als die meist üble Übersetzung ins Deutsche:
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When summer skiing took place on the Gelas glacier
On average, forty kilometers on the Côte d'Azur , the Alpes-Maritimes have long distinguished to accommodate the southernmost glaciers of the entire Alpine arch. Over the last few decades, however, climate change has undermined the extension of the glacial mass, nowadays modified by thickness, distribution area and intrinsic properties (it would be scientifically more correct, in fact, to speak of glaciers , that is, snow masses and ice without internal movements).
During the summer months, the itineraries that cross between Clapier , Malleja and Gelas can still appreciate the severity of the surrounding environment, characterized by more or less rigid climatic conditions throughout the year. Particularly from the Soria-Ellena hut to the Lake of the Maura (2370m altitude), you will surely notice the physiognomy and grandeur of the ancient Maura Glacier .
The latter became particularly popular throughout the province during the Sixties and Seventies , thanks to the rudimentary ski lift built at its feet, which was able to guarantee summer skiing in the area. Nestled between the mountain and the lake, the cable maneuver was accessible from the end of June to the first days of September after a long walk.
Made by a group of young mountain-lovers in Cuneo and lovers of winter sports, the plant had similar characteristics to the first skates of the 1950s , with two poles of construction site scaffolding, welded and molded on the slit of the poles of Leitner in use at that time in the ski areas (see Jacopo Galfré , whom we thank).
Set in the ice and in the snow, every autumn it was necessary to disassemble the entire equipment and put it on the ground waiting for the next season. The engine of the implant was also covered and the rope was similarly re-routed to the starting zone. Finally, in the early summer days of the following year, we again proceeded to mount and dissect each component. (see Jacopo Galfré , whom we thank).
The scarcity of winter winters of the eighties with the contemporary heat increase, the rapid melting of the river and the regression of the entire glacier (until its recent downgrading, as mentioned, in glaciation), compromised the use of the plant, which was therefore materially abandoned, even though they were still in the bravest times that they were today.